Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The King is Dead. Long Live the Queen!

Yes another Rotary Year has passed, and with it the reign of Bockstahler. Beginning with the formation of 237 different committees to ease the burden of Presidency, it was certainly a year of changes and accomplishment. Due in part to so many people lending a hand the Danville Rotary was able to go on trips together, have drinks at precisely 5:31 in the afternoon, award scholarships, create a secondary corps of volunteers, and single-handedly prevent a polio outbreak in Hendricks County. 

While those are all significant accomplishments, the Bockstahler era's lasting impression will undoubtedly be this.

Sad as it may be to see the fastest talking President in recent memory go (hopefully not literally if home listings are to be believed), a new era is rising. The year of the hyphen is upon us. No official word yet on the rumors about LeMay-Luken demanding all rotarians hyphenate their names for at least this year just to see how things go. A little background on our new Prez that I'm sure you were not aware of. Did you know she's a judge? Did you know she's excited about Brett Michaels coming to town? That's pretty much all the background that's necessary. Looking forward to a great year, and let's make sure we keep the streak alive and keep polio out of Hendricks County again this year!

Seth CroMmissioner-Cromer

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