Thursday, December 13, 2012

Marcia Made It

Today our Assistant Governor, Wilma Shackleton, attended our meeting.  Wilma had nice things to say about how our club is ran and how much fun we all have.  We had three interactors in attendance.  John Dryer, from the Plainfield club, was a guest as well.  Jade Gruner had a guest too, Nate Mishler.

Marcia was our host and speaker today.  She was informed that she was the host about 10 minutes before she was on.  She pulled out all the stops and nailed it.  If you don't know, Marcia has a lot to say about everything.  This is because she is part of almost everything.  Her roll at the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Counsel make her in the know.  She shared information about the events of the night before at the Chamber of Commerce Community Award Banquet.  Rotarians were plentiful.  Bob Pearcy was nominated for Senior Citizen of the Year and Jennifer McPeak won the Business Leader of the Year Award.  When Marcia changed hats, she told us about things that the town are doing with sidewalks and building that is happening on the eastside of town.

Next week will be our Christmas Luncheon.  It will be held at Westbridge Church on Mackey Road.  Then on the 27th we will be having our Board Election.  There is still room for Rotarians that might want to join us in Naples for the Ziggy Dicks BBQ Festival.

Special Thanks to NSSB for pulling off a great food drive.  There will be some happy families that will be needing this food.  Please consider continuing to support the local food pantry   They are in need of food all year long.

This weekend is a very special weekend.  This weekend the "Cromissioner" and I go head to head again for the second time in Fantasy Football.  For the keeping score at home, I was the only Male to put the hurt on Seth.  I think this calls for a game day by game day report.  As I write this before the Thursday game we each have one player playing tonight.  I am projected to get 147 points and Seth 146 points.  It will be close, but I am sure that when the chips are down, his ego will be totaled just like his Van.  If you would like his point of view, you will have to ask him since he stopped writing.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Take Out the Papers and the Trash....

 It has been a long two weeks.  Very happy that everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  Not wanting to miss out on a week without Rotary, a group of Rotarians went and crashed Greencastle's party (Club Meeting).  Greg, Henry, Michael and Chas did a make up the day before Thanksgiving.  Chas was originally from that club and was kicked out upon arrival (welcomed warmly).  We were all able to make new friends quickly.  Last weeks visitors to our club were:  Jimmy Pearcy, Jamie Bohler Smith, Alayna Bolen, Judy and Kelso Wessel.

Jenny Pearcy was our speaker host this week.  Tim Franklin from Waste Management was our speaker.  Tim and his group keep the Cumins Diesels humming along at the facility.  Most of these engines are running 24 hours a day.  Methane gas is recovered from the trash and used to power the engines that supply electricity back to Hendricks Power.  Waste Management is a good stewart of their land and a great community partner.  The site was opened in 1971 and is 982 acres.  They are responsible for our community softball and soccer fields as well as  model airplaine field and trap and skeet shooting area.
 This weeks host is Debbie Konter and then Marcia Lynch.


Rex is still looking for volunteers to help with the Ziggie Dick BBQ event in Naples, Florida in Jan.  This is a real good time.  It brings your closer to Rotary and it is Florida in Janurary.... need I say more.  Rex has room on the boat for the Rotarian going.  You will be responsible for your airfare, but your lodging is taken care of.  And there is plenty of great BBQ to eat.  Rex has room for 3 couples or 6 Rotarians.  Flights to FL are about $246 round trip on Airtran.  (Check with your CPA, this may be Tax Deductable.)  I went last year and had a great time.  There are places to eat within walking distance from the Marina.  Rex is a great host and it really is a great time.  Let's fill up the boat.

Jamie Bohler Smith was in attendence this week presenting a check to our club for our clock project.  This was the first Beautification Grant that had been handed out by the Downtown Partnership.  The grant was for $5000.00.  This will be put to immediate use.  Rotarian John Battershell has been a great negotiator with the company that we are getting the clock from.  It is built in Cincinnati.  We are trying to same some money on shipping.  John has a truck and we need a volunteer to travel over there to help pick it up.  If you are interested, please let me know.

Board Meeting this week.  Thursday morning at 7:30am at Court House Grounds.

Rotary Shirts.... If you ordered one, please pick it up.  If you don't remember... check with us.

We will be having board elections in the next two weeks.  Stay tuned.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Running Theme

The Double Secret meeting was a success. It was great to break out of our shells and regular seats and have a little fun. If you missed it, then you missed 1) what Rotary is about 2) what makes our club so great 3) that a number of Rotarians joined Rotary for the same reason and 4) that Dave Coleman believes in Extraterrestrials. (Just ask him.)

Neal Pearcy started us out with a Membership Minute that really hits home about what Rotary is and how and why we should spread the word.  The reality is that most of us don't know what to say when we are asked, "What is Rotary?".  Neal will be educating us over the next few months to help us answer these questions.

As we went around the room getting to know our fellow Rotarian better. I see a running theme emerge. Most people joined rotary for some form of business networking reason but became a Rotarian when the witnessed all the good work that is done in our community.  Our club has raised and distributed over 100 thousand dollars to local students in Danville. Most of what we do revolves around serving our community and the students in our community.

Three of our Interact kids joined us for lunch. They were Kelli Snodgrass, Jayden McBride, and James Thorpe.  We also had John Drier from the Plainfield club visit our club again this week. John announced that the Plainfield club will buy breakfast if you help with their cleanup day that is coming up.  Jane Hazelton also visited the club. She is with the Danville Public Library.

The dates for the Naples BBQ event are January 4th and 5th.  Flights leave after Rotary on Thursday and you can have your choice of return flights. Saturday, Sunday or after the Naples club meeting on Tuesday. Rex has room for 3 couples or 5 Rotarians.  I already have a response from one Rotarian that wants to go. Email me and I will let Rex know.

Myself, Michael Williams and maybe Henry are planning to visit the Greencastle Rotary Club on Wednesday since we are not having a meeting this week due to Thanksgiving.  We have room for one more in the truck.  If you would like to join us.... Please e-mail me.

As we round out this Thanksgiving week, I want to say that I am thankful for each of you Rotarians.  You make me proud to be a Rotarian.  I really enjoy seeing each of you each week.  Thank you for making our club great.  Proud to be your President.  Greg

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Miller Time

Have you heard of Rotary Direct?  It is Rotary's recurring giving program.  Rotary Direct saves.... Time, Money, and Lives.  Sign up today at

The Interactors met Thursday morning.  Michael and I attended.  There were 10 Interactors and Mya Williams.  There are some projects that the Interactors are working on that will need our help.  We will keep you posted.  Four of the Interactors attended our regular meeting today.  They are Sierra Summers, Tara Blackard, Heather Siller, and Shailyn Ennis.  We also had a visiting Rotarian from Plainfield, John Drier.

This week Dennis Dawes was the speaker host.  Dennis introduced Pete Miller after giving his 10 minutes of fame.  Pete was elected as last Tuesday for the position that he took over with the vacancy from Connie Lawson taking over the Secretary of State position.  Pete's position is that he is more effective if he knows the people of the community.  He asked that the community keep him accountable.  Pete worked to cut costs and duplication while working under Mitch Daniels.  You can contact Pete through Dennis Dawes.

Neal and I attended the District 6560 Success Seminar on Saturday.  As always, there were many different clubs in our district represented at the Seminar.  These clubs are all looking to get better.  There were three major portions of the event.  They were: Membership, Foundation Certification for 2013-2014, and Public Relations.  Neal attended the membership portion and I got our Foundation Certification so that our club can qualify for grants during the next Rotary year.

Don't forget that this comings week is a Double Secret Meeting.  It would be best for ALL Rotarians to attend this meeting.  Just a reminder that we will not be having a meeting on Thanksgiving.

Right now it is Sunday and I am in trouble.... Dusti and I play each other in Fantasy Football.  Someone is going to win, and someone is going to lose.  Either way I look at it.... I will be the loser.  This is not good. (Wednesday Fantasy Football update:  Dusti and I tied... all is right with the world).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mental Health Day

The Danville Rotary Club Board met Thursday morning for a strategic planning session to provide guidance for both current projects and the future of the club.  Thank you to the board for providing important input into this process.  Part of what makes our club successful is the dedication of all its club members. Thanks to everyone.

Bob Murer was our speaker host today.  He introduced Tammi Jessup of the Mental Health Association.  Tammi said that 1 in 4 people suffer from some form of mental health issue.  Part of the Mental Health Associations mission in to educate adults and kids.  Tammi introduced Sandy Brown and Diane Murer as educators of kids.  Sandy and Diane put on a puppet show about anti-bullying.  They also have programs for Autism and Alcoholism.  They put together programs to educate kids using these puppets.

We were happy to have the Mental Health Association as guests.  We also had four interactors visiting.  They were Brenna Kincaid, Claire Hazelton, Alayna Bolen and Melissa Rudie.  Melissa is the communication chair for the Interact Club.

Terry K. was recognized for bring in a new member to our club.  We are excited to grow our club.  Neal Pearcy and I will be attending a membership seminar this coming weekend.  Thanks to Neal for taking the lead for membership.

Tomorrow (or today, depending on when you are reading this) is election day.  Before you vote, you should take a second to read the "Cromissioner's" blog.  There is suspense, drama, the occasional grammatical error... all the things that make up a good political campaign.  Seth points out certain weaknesses (ie, Amy's starting quarterback, my eye sight, and democracy).  You have to check it out.  Click on the tab at the top of the page and enjoy.    

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Big Picture

Dr. Ward
Denis Ward was our speaker host this week.  There are some big things happening at the school.  Changes that include a pilot program for Customized Mass Learning.  Denis introduced Matt Vandermark and Karen Perkins, both Danville Community School Principles.  Matt and Karen gave us the "Big Picture" of what the programs are about.  They are trying to provide the best learning environment and maximizing each of the children's potential.  The program has been working very well and the school will be in a position soon to determine how they proceed from here.

Visiting our club today was Troy Gill, Kelso Wessel, and Betsy Bassett.  Troy is a project manager for Danville Heat and Cool, Kelso is a visiting Rotarian from Loundon, Ohio, and Betsy Bassett is the owner of a new shop coming to Danville called The Beehive.  We also have the following interactors at lunch:  James Thorpe, Amanda Cooper, and Sara Hill.

Yes, I am sure Tracie "Can do it!"
Speaking Easy!!!
This weekend was a "Big Picture" Rotary event.  The 2012 - 2013 District 6560 District Conference.  Danville Rotary Club attendees were:  Greg VanLaere, Suzanne Whicker and David Whicker, Tracie Shearer and Danny Shearer and Flory and Jim Phillips.  Held at Purdue University, a number of speakers shared with us information about food quality, agriculture in Afghanistan and womens health.  Tom Turpin even served us up gourmet meal worms.  Friday evening was capped with a costume party.  Our own Tracie and Flory were got into the swing of things in their outfits.  It was great to visit with some old Rotary friends and make some new ones.  On Saturday, there were breakout sessions that all Rotarians attended.  Learning about the Rotary Foundation, RYLA and Strategic Planning.  Greg VanLaere was one of the speakers sharing his experience attending the International Conference.

In the end it was a great time had by all and another conference is the books.  I was able to spend the conference learning to run the AV equipment for the District.  Here was my view for the weekend.

Dual Laptops and a Mixing board.... Oh my!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More Out of Rotary

I know that you were thinking that you were going to go a week without hearing from me.  I missed you all last week, but I am planning on getting my Rotary fill Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  I want to thank Michael Williams for filling in last week and getting it done.  Hope to see everyone tomorrow.

Want to get more out of Rotary.... Here are three things that you can do to enhance your Rotary experience.

1)  Sit with someone that you don't know at our regular meeting.  This goes for both new and older members.  Everyone must understand that it can be challenging to break into a group that always sits together each week.  The thing that I find about Rotarians is that we each have a common background and have a lot to talk about.

2)  Visit another club.  All clubs are not created equal.  Visiting another club will help you appreciate your home club and will introduce you to others in Rotary and other Rotary ideas.  There are three other clubs in the county.  You can visit our District website for more information about local clubs.  You can visit the website for times and locations of meetings.

3)  Participate in a District or International Conference.  This weekend will be District 6560's 2012-2013 District Conference.  We will have speakers from Pakistan, the "Bug" Man (Tom Turpin) and Purdue's Head of Nutrition Science, Connie Weaver, Ph.D.  There will be breakout sessions with topics ranging from Social Media to Water Projects to Disaster Response.  These are things that each Rotarian should experience once.  If you have not attended a District Conference, you should set a goal that in the next two years you should plan on attending.  You also get to meet other Rotarians from other clubs with out having to travel to each individual clubs.

Each of these are ways to deepen your Rotary experience.  It is a step out of your comfort zone, but it is well wirth the step.  See you soon.   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Keeping on Schedule

Last week was a busy week.  We hosted two speakers for our regular meeting.  Congress man Todd Rokita was our first speaker of the meeting.  Todd talked about the Republic and tthat what we have may be in jeopardy.  Ben Franklin said, "What your have here is a republic, if you can keep it."  Todd thinks that we are in for some issues.  Mr. Rokita called for a Cultural change.

Following the Congressman was John Crane introduced by Eric Oliver.  Sagamore Student Leadership is a faith based organization that helps to develop leaders in high school and college.  John mirrored what Congressman Rokita said, "Doing nothing is no longer an option."  John's organization knows that helping kids develop skills that they already have and provide faith based leadership can make a difference to communities in the future.  John said that leadership is a neutral quality, it can be used for both good or bad.  They are working on the GOOD!

Tracie announced a change from our regular basket that is put together for the District Conference.  Tracie took up a collection for the purchase of a Kindle.  The Kindle would be the centerpiece of the basket and would also feature other local books, wine and other goodies.  A collection was taken to offset the cost of the Kindle.  We are really proud of the club for coming together and covering the full cost.  Thank You!  Tracie will have the basket on display this week at Rotary.  Special thanks to Tracie to putting this together again this year.

I will miss you all this week.  I will be in Terre Haute for work.  Michael Williams will get some on the job training.  See you next week.  Greg

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Saving Money Feels Good

This past week seems so long ago now.  Seth teased us with access to free money.  His promises were as empty as his Fantasy Football Lineup.  No really, Seth introduced Monte Chamberlin from Cost Stewardship.    Monte said that there is not free money, but there is easy money.  Monte's organization has been able to flourish by helping the little guy gain economies to scale by pulling together the purchasing power of many little guys to get better deals for their clients.  Monte said that businesses need to get revenues up and expenses down in order to grow.  He helps on the expense side.  Cost Stewardship has helped many Not for Profits to find that they are paying taxes on their utilities and has helped them get a refund of those tax dollars that they did not know that they could save.  Cost Stewardship has branched out to help other For Profit businesses also.  It was a very interesting.

The week ahead.  This week, we will be having two speakers.  I will be starting the meeting promptly at Noon.  You will want to make sure that you arrive a few minutes early and get a good seat.  Congresman Todd Rokita will kick us off at Noon followed by Eric Oliver with the regular program.  In an effort to get out information about the Danville Rotary Club.  It is possible that some members of the media could be in attendance also.  Just wanted to make you all aware.  See you Thursday!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sweet Smell of Success

The 2012 Bake sale is in the books.  Our Rotary Club held it's annual Bake Sale to raise money for our Rotary Scholarship fund.  For many years, the Rotary Scholarships have been helping to fund the educational needs of graduating seniors.  Recipients can apply during their senior year at Danville Community High school   The scholarships are then paid after completing their first semester of college.  This years sale was a success and we are still accepting donations for our scholarship fund.  Please, if you were unable to attend, consider making a contribution.  Any amount would be beneficial.  You can make the check payable to the Danville Rotary Club Foundation.  You can give the checks to Ron B., Henry, Suzanne or Greg.

The evening was beautiful weather.  Suzanne and Dave Whicker were gracious hosts again this year.  There was plenty of time to socialize before the sale.  As bidders arrived, our inventory of desserts grew.  There was a surprise gift that was dropped off, but more about that later.  Once Stephenie and Brandon arrived following a Danville win for the 7th grade boys football game (hint... Happy Dollar), things began to rock.

Stephenie, Brandon and Jerry got us kicked off to a bang.  The first item went for over $100.  Most items that evening brought over $100 for our cause.  We have learned over the years, that some beer and wine before the auction helps loosen the purse strings.  Chief Gill was the high bidder on the mystery gift that was dropped off.  There is just something funny about the cop getting a box of donuts.  Pies, cakes and cookies were all well represented.  Even though Rex and Sharon were unable to attend; they sent their proxies.  Flory and Jim Phillips were bidding on their behalf.  We are happy for all donations, no matter who was bidding.

How many Pollocks does it take to provide entertainment for a bake sale?  Just one, and we are happy that Jerry brought his energy and good spirits.  Thank you Jerry for helping and thanks to Stephenie Brandon and the Whickers.  And a very special Thank you to our bidders.

The shirts that were ordered have arrived.  We will have them at the meeting this Thursday.  Please make sure that you pick up your shirt and settle up with the treasurer.

Reminder:  There is a board meeting this Thursday morning at Court House Grounds at 7:30am

Monday, September 24, 2012

Visit from our District Governor

District Governor Craig Sherman is wrapping up this last few club visits for 2012-2013.  Thursday was his visit at the Danville Club.   DG Craig made several observations to the club about Rotary.  He suggested that we look at Rotary as a business.  A business that has its members and members of the community as its customers.  We customers get good service they tell everyone.  And people speak loudest about what they believe in.  Believe in Rotary and share the good news.  Rotary is a benefit to others beyond its own members.  Craig suggests that we all tell our Rotary Story.  Telling our story helps to close the gap between what we know about Rotary and what the public knows about Rotary.  Craig ended with encouraging us to continue to support the Rotary Foundation and the fight to end polio.  Check out

This weeks meeting will not be a noon meeting.  Instead, you and your spouse, neighbor, sister, cousin, or co-worker are invited to share in our Annual Bake Sale to support our Scholarship fund.  Our scholarship are given to Danville Community Highschool Seniors.  These kids can really use our support.  Brad will be supplying the BBQ and Rotarians are asked to bring a side to share and a fabulous  Baked good that will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.  We promise to only run up the bid on most of you.

Be looking for a Fantasy Football update Tuesday or Wednesday from the "Cromissioner"  Rumor is that he is having a hard time keeping his EYE on the BALL.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ryland is on a Roll

A big Rotary welcome to our visitors this week.  Mark Phillips, Chelsie and Sofie.  This coming week, we will have Craig Sherman, our District Governor, and Wilma Shackelton, our Assistant Governor, attend our regular meeting on Thursday.  We welcome them to our club as well.

John Battershell was the program chair this week.  John asked one of our newer member to speak in detail about her business.  Carrie Ryland the owner and operator of Better Beginnings Child Care.  Carrie spent time work for Galyon's before the buyout.  Following the buyout, she spent some time working for fellow Rotarian Doug Catt.  Carrie said that since Doug spent days on end crying like a baby over missed putts and  in general acting childish, she should start a daycare and Doug could be her first assignment.  (Love you Doug.... Just kidding).  Carrie has had a passion for helping children and their parents giving them a "Better Begining."  Carrie has been working with John to renovate buildings for her child care business.  Opening in Oct. 2012 will be Carrie's largest adventure. Her building will open and end the end be able to accommodate 144 kids.  Better Beginnings is focused on child health and early childhood development.  Some of our best programs have been giving by Rotarians, and Carrie, lived up to this same hype.  Good Job.

The sign up sheet went around this week for the bake sale.  There were a number of people who signed up to bring a side to share during the dinner.  If you have not signed up, you will have a chance to Thursday.  We are expecting a good turnout and plenty of sweet stuff to bid on.  The bake sale is on the 27th at Suzanne's house.  

Here is a little treat for those of you that have been so good as to read the blog all the way to this point.  I got an e-mail from Rex and Sharon Dugan that said the Jerry Weed had made it big time.  Not only is is known around the world for the work that he does in fabrics, but he also has a famous Sweet tea named after him as well.  Just might have to get me a glass.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Is it the Truth? If not, Mike will catch you.

Flory Phillips was our speaker host for this week.  Flory and her husband Jim are very active in many different clubs.  Church clubs to investment club and everything in between.  I think they just like to socialize and I am glad they do.

Flory's speaker and guest was Mike McCarty and his wife Trish.  Mike started a business in Danville that does detailed background checks. Mike said that he started the business in Danville because of the quality of life and the things that Danville has to offer.  Mike praised his employees at being good at what they do and how they treat Safe Hiring Solutions clients.  Mike said that he might be the only business on the square no one has heard of, because most of his business comes from outside of Indiana.  Most of Mike's family is in Law Enforcement.  Mike said that this is just a natural fit for him.  He had the idea a few years ago after seeing that backgound checks were just coming back with limited information.  Safe Hiring Solutions digs deeper to help their clients know who they are hiring.  Last month Safe Hiring Solutions did 11,000 background checks.

This weekend was Fair on the Square. There were a number of roaming Rotarians around the square. It is always great to get to see and speak to fellow Rotarians. 

September 27 is the date for one of our clubs biggest FUNraisors for scholarships.  Our Bake sale will be held at Suzanne Whickers home and will start at 6pm. Brad is supplying the BBQ. Please bring a side to share, a baked good to have auctioned off, your spouse and your checkbook.  Actually you can leave the checkbook at home if you would like us to bill you using Paypal.

We will be staffing a water station for the Hendricks County Half Marathon on Saturday, September 22. We need 4-5 volunteers to assist with this. We will be responsible for set-up, clean-up, handing out water and gatorade to participants, and promoting good energy and excitement.
All materials will be supplied by the Parks Department. We will need to arrive by 7:15 a.m. to set up. I would expect it to be complete in approximately two hours.  You can e-mail Heath Allen if you would like to help out.

Amy had mentioned that our water project in Mexico got some traction on  Here is a like to the story.  LINK

Monday, September 3, 2012

All About Football

Ron Monts was the program chair last week.  Eric Ivie was our speaker.  Eric is a contributor to Yahoo Sports and is the owner of Red Zone Writing.  Eric is covering all sports, but has a niche for Arena Football.  Eric gave us a brief overview of what Arena Football is and how it is different from playing in the NFL.  Suzanne was very interested in hiring Eric to manage her Rotary Fantasy Football Team.  Eric has press passes for most Arena Football games.  The games run from March to August so that they do not overlap that of the NFL.  Most players are paid about $400 per game with a $50 win bonus.  Most of these guys play as a second job.  You can learn more about writing, football or Arena Football by following Eric from his website.

Congratulations to all Rotarians for bringing guests to our Rotary meeting this week.  Visitors included:  Mike Larr (Huntington Bank), Duane Lane (Lane Reality and LPM Properties), Luke Stevenson (Running for School Board), and Mandy Shelly (Danville Chiropractic).  Please get an application to each of these individuals if they have an interest in joining.

This Labor Day weekend was all about football.  A few Rotarians and their spouses attended the Purdue football game.  There was a visit from Purdue Pete and Olympic Gold metal winner, David Boudia.  A big thank you to Charlie and Jennifer Jones for their hospitality before, during and after the game.

Don't forget that all Rotarian are able to attend the board meeting that will be Thursday morning at 7:30am at Court House Grounds.  It counts as a make up.

Yes, the hat says Miller Time... LOL!
Suzanne and David Whicker, Steve Steinway and Charlie Jones
Purdue Won 47 - 6 against Eastern Kentucky

Suzanne and Charlie with David Boudia