Monday, June 3, 2013

Jack of all Trades

There are time in work and life when you open you mouth and wish something else came out.  This week was one of those weeks for me.  Just in that moment that words escape your mouth and your foot then took their place.  I personally told Brad that I was sorry and now I am coming clean to all of our Club.  I am sorry to have mentioned those words on Thursday.  As Rotarians, we should and need to be conducting business with other Rotarians.  Those business dealings should be "beneficial to all concerned."  Brad has been giving service above self and Rotary is forever thankful.

This week was an adjustment to the schedule.  Needing to come up with a program on short notice, I leaned on a good friend and Coach, Jack Klemeyer.  Jack is the founder of GYB Coaching and Chamber University.  GYB stands for Grow Your Business.  Jack has been working lately with the Hendricks County Economic Development.  Together they have developed Excel.  Excel is for small businesses who need someone to talk to.  Companies can have growing pains.  Jack and his team work to create a network and a MasterMind to help those companies.  CEO Roundtables also help to build that support network.  Scholarships are available through the Chamber of Commerce in all towns in the county.

Tracie is needing people to sign up for Summer Sounds on the Square.  You can e-mail Tracie directly here.

Heath is needing people to sign up to help with the Park2Park Relay.  You can e-mail Heath directly here.

Please sign up for the pitch in for our Year End Party.  Please see Jenny Pearcy for the sign

up sheet.

I received word today the Dave Coleman's Uncle Dick passed away.  Please keep David and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Straight from Heath on the Golf Outing....
As I mentioned in the last meeting, we will be having our celebratory lunch for the winners of the golf outing fundraising competition on Thursday 6/6. The winners will be dining on prime rib. Winners – please bring your appetites.
Here are the final results:
1st – Claret Jugsmen –   Team Leader Ron Bockstahler
Members: DonDodson Michael Williams, Danny Rinehart, Charlie Jones, Harold 
Hiser, Jerry Weed, Max Poynter, and Heath Allen

2nd – AbsenTEES -                          Team Leader - Doug Catt
3rd – Mac’sMulliganizers –            Team Leader – Jon McDugle
4th – Swinging Kilts -                      Team Leader – Terry Kessinger
5th – Dugan’s Duffers -                  Team Leader – Rex Dugan
6th – Water Magnets -                   Team Leader – Keith Gill

Board Meeting will be held on June 13th and will be held at North Salem State Bank.

There is a Installation Banquet for Incoming District Govoner Dottie Hancock.  Tickets are available for $35 each.  You can see more info and sign up here.

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