Marcia was our host and speaker today. She was informed that she was the host about 10 minutes before she was on. She pulled out all the stops and nailed it. If you don't know, Marcia has a lot to say about everything. This is because she is part of almost everything. Her roll at the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Counsel make her in the know. She shared information about the events of the night before at the Chamber of Commerce Community Award Banquet. Rotarians were plentiful. Bob Pearcy was nominated for Senior Citizen of the Year and Jennifer McPeak won the Business Leader of the Year Award. When Marcia changed hats, she told us about things that the town are doing with sidewalks and building that is happening on the eastside of town.
Next week will be our Christmas Luncheon. It will be held at Westbridge Church on Mackey Road. Then on the 27th we will be having our Board Election. There is still room for Rotarians that might want to join us in Naples for the Ziggy Dicks BBQ Festival.
Special Thanks to NSSB for pulling off a great food drive. There will be some happy families that will be needing this food. Please consider continuing to support the local food pantry They are in need of food all year long.
This weekend is a very special weekend. This weekend the "Cromissioner" and I go head to head again for the second time in Fantasy Football. For the keeping score at home, I was the only Male to put the hurt on Seth. I think this calls for a game day by game day report. As I write this before the Thursday game we each have one player playing tonight. I am projected to get 147 points and Seth 146 points. It will be close, but I am sure that when the chips are down, his ego will be totaled just like his Van. If you would like his point of view, you will have to ask him since he stopped writing.