The 2012 Bake sale is in the books. Our Rotary Club held it's annual Bake Sale to raise money for our Rotary Scholarship fund. For many years, the Rotary Scholarships have been helping to fund the educational needs of graduating seniors. Recipients can apply during their senior year at Danville Community High school The scholarships are then paid after completing their first semester of college. This years sale was a success and we are still accepting donations for our scholarship fund. Please, if you were unable to attend, consider making a contribution. Any amount would be beneficial. You can make the check payable to the Danville Rotary Club Foundation. You can give the checks to Ron B., Henry, Suzanne or Greg.
The evening was beautiful weather. Suzanne and Dave Whicker were gracious hosts again this year. There was plenty of time to socialize before the sale. As bidders arrived, our inventory of desserts grew. There was a surprise gift that was dropped off, but more about that later. Once Stephenie and Brandon arrived following a Danville win for the 7th grade boys football game (hint... Happy Dollar), things began to rock.

Stephenie, Brandon and Jerry got us kicked off to a bang. The first item went for over $100. Most items that evening brought over $100 for our cause. We have learned over the years, that some beer and wine before the auction helps loosen the purse strings. Chief Gill was the high bidder on the mystery gift that was dropped off. There is just something funny about the cop getting a box of donuts. Pies, cakes and cookies were all well represented. Even though Rex and Sharon were unable to attend; they sent their proxies. Flory and Jim Phillips were bidding on their behalf. We are happy for all donations, no matter who was bidding.

How many Pollocks does it take to provide entertainment for a bake sale? Just one, and we are happy that Jerry brought his energy and good spirits. Thank you Jerry for helping and thanks to Stephenie Brandon and the Whickers. And a very special Thank you to our bidders.
The shirts that were ordered have arrived. We will have them at the meeting this Thursday. Please make sure that you pick up your shirt and settle up with the treasurer.
Reminder: There is a board meeting this Thursday morning at Court House Grounds at 7:30am
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