Last week was a busy week. We hosted two speakers for our regular meeting. Congress man Todd Rokita was our first speaker of the meeting. Todd talked about the Republic and tthat what we have may be in jeopardy. Ben Franklin said, "What your have here is a republic, if you can keep it." Todd thinks that we are in for some issues. Mr. Rokita called for a Cultural change.

Following the Congressman was John Crane introduced by Eric Oliver. Sagamore Student Leadership is a faith based organization that helps to develop leaders in high school and college. John mirrored what Congressman Rokita said, "Doing nothing is no longer an option." John's organization knows that helping kids develop skills that they already have and provide faith based leadership can make a difference to communities in the future. John said that leadership is a neutral quality, it can be used for both good or bad. They are working on the GOOD!
Tracie announced a change from our regular basket that is put together for the District Conference. Tracie took up a collection for the purchase of a Kindle. The Kindle would be the centerpiece of the basket and would also feature other local books, wine and other goodies. A collection was taken to offset the cost of the Kindle. We are really proud of the club for coming together and covering the full cost. Thank You! Tracie will have the basket on display this week at Rotary. Special thanks to Tracie to putting this together again this year.
I will miss you all this week. I will be in Terre Haute for work. Michael Williams will get some on the job training. See you next week. Greg
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