The Danville Rotary Club Board met Thursday morning for a strategic planning session to provide guidance for both current projects and the future of the club. Thank you to the board for providing important input into this process. Part of what makes our club successful is the dedication of all its club members. Thanks to everyone.

Bob Murer was our speaker host today. He introduced Tammi Jessup of the
Mental Health Association. Tammi said that 1 in 4 people suffer from some form of mental health issue. Part of the Mental Health Associations mission in to educate adults and kids. Tammi introduced Sandy Brown and Diane Murer as educators of kids. Sandy and Diane put on a puppet show about anti-bullying. They also have programs for Autism and Alcoholism. They put together programs to educate kids using these puppets.
We were happy to have the Mental Health Association as guests. We also had four interactors visiting. They were Brenna Kincaid, Claire Hazelton, Alayna Bolen and Melissa Rudie. Melissa is the communication chair for the Interact Club.

Terry K. was recognized for bring in a new member to our club. We are excited to grow our club. Neal Pearcy and I will be attending a membership seminar this coming weekend. Thanks to Neal for taking the lead for membership.
Tomorrow (or today, depending on when you are reading this) is election day. Before you vote, you should take a second to read the "Cromissioner's" blog. There is suspense, drama, the occasional grammatical error... all the things that make up a good political campaign. Seth points out certain weaknesses (ie, Amy's starting quarterback, my eye sight, and democracy). You have to check it out. Click on the tab at the top of the page and enjoy.
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