Neal Pearcy started us out with a Membership Minute that really hits home about what Rotary is and how and why we should spread the word. The reality is that most of us don't know what to say when we are asked, "What is Rotary?". Neal will be educating us over the next few months to help us answer these questions.
As we went around the room getting to know our fellow Rotarian better. I see a running theme emerge. Most people joined rotary for some form of business networking reason but became a Rotarian when the witnessed all the good work that is done in our community. Our club has raised and distributed over 100 thousand dollars to local students in Danville. Most of what we do revolves around serving our community and the students in our community.
Three of our Interact kids joined us for lunch. They were Kelli Snodgrass, Jayden McBride, and James Thorpe. We also had John Drier from the Plainfield club visit our club again this week. John announced that the Plainfield club will buy breakfast if you help with their cleanup day that is coming up. Jane Hazelton also visited the club. She is with the Danville Public Library.
The dates for the Naples BBQ event are January 4th and 5th. Flights leave after Rotary on Thursday and you can have your choice of return flights. Saturday, Sunday or after the Naples club meeting on Tuesday. Rex has room for 3 couples or 5 Rotarians. I already have a response from one Rotarian that wants to go. Email me and I will let Rex know.
Myself, Michael Williams and maybe Henry are planning to visit the Greencastle Rotary Club on Wednesday since we are not having a meeting this week due to Thanksgiving. We have room for one more in the truck. If you would like to join us.... Please e-mail me.
As we round out this Thanksgiving week, I want to say that I am thankful for each of you Rotarians. You make me proud to be a Rotarian. I really enjoy seeing each of you each week. Thank you for making our club great. Proud to be your President. Greg