Tuesday, May 29, 2012

26 Million Dollars Coming Back to Hendricks County

Max Poynter was the Program Chair for last week.  His guest was Beth Switzer from the Hendricks County Purdue Extension Office.  Beth introduced the Benefit Bank to the Danville Rotary Club.    The Benefit Bank of Indiana is a work supports program of Purdue Extension Health and Human Sciences which provides informal educational programs and educational materials that improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. These programs influence attitudes, teach skills, increase knowledge, and inspire aspirations. (Copy from their Website)  Through the Benefit Bank you can have your taxes done for free (income limit), sign up for food stamps, Register to vote, or sign up for other assistance.  The Benefit Bank partners with some of the local food pantry's.  Beth said that the 26 million comes from a study from 2009 that says that this was unclaimed money that the state have in assistance for people in our community.  The Benefit Bank wants to bring this money back to Hendricks County.  

Next Week:  Jim Graham will be our speaker.  He will be giving us an update on the Qudrat School in Afghanistan.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good year for Interactors

The meeting was held at the Danville High School Gym with our meal provided by
DCHS cafe. The meeting was called to order by Savannah Mitchell and Justin "Smiley"
Stanley. Savannah and Justin thanked Rotary for making them better people, providing the
club with opportunities to service the community and for the lunches.  The Interactors provided entertainment by having the Group divide into two teams and
name captains. One side was Team Wicker and the other side was Team Gill. We
played Jeopordy with some of the categories consisting of Danville Rotary Trivia, Town
of Danville Trivia, international rotary, etc. it was amazing how many knew the answers
to these questions. It was an entertaining event and in the end, Team Gill claimed the

Dave Coleman made an announcement that Saturday was a work day and members
who could help would be meeting at 9:00 am at Senior Center.

Michael Williams also announced that he needed more players and volunteers for the
golf outing, which is Thursday, May 17th.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

House of Friendship

At our District 6560 conference and the Rotary International Convention, we have a House of Friendship.  At the international conference the HOF has booths, food, internet cafe's, entertainment, and things to inspire.

Rotary clubs from around the world would set up booths to make people aware of their projects and look for support.  This is a great way to make connections with other clubs.  There are also Rotary Fellowships.  These fellowships are Rotarians that share a common interest.  For example; Biking, Yachting, Doctors, and Bird Watching are just a few fellowships that were represented.  The HOF was open each day and in between breakout sessions and plenary sessions we were free to browse the booths. 

At the end of each day there would be a band, kariokee it a dance troupe to entertain us. 

My big take away was from the booths that demonstrated clean water systems and a club that is pushing for Rotary to attack MS after we have stamped out Polio.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

One Bhat, Two Bhat, Three Baht....

One Bhat equals $0.032.  The Thai currency is all in even numbers.   Meaning that there is no cents.  Small currency coinage is 1, 2, 5 and 10 Bhat.  Paper currency run 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000.  Prices here are mostly inexpensive.

As we explored Thai food, we found most meals were about 150 Bhat or $4.50.  Food from the street vendors was even cheaper and it was good.  A cab ride around town would range from 100 to 300 Bhat.  That is between 3 and 9 dollars.  Clothing was cheap.  The Thai economy is doing really well, and we were told that because of this prices were high.  Coming from the US, things seemed cheaper. 

I found that some goods would swing wildly in price.  For example a diet coke would be 30 bhat one place and 120 somewhere else.  But beer was consistant between 85 and 100 bhat.

Several Rotarians spent time before the conference in southern Thailand.  They reported that prices outside of Bangkok was even cheaper.  I found condos on the beach for about $40 US per night from a quick Google search.  Thailand can be a great vacation spot that is inexpensive.  Flights are about $1500 per person round trip. 

Short video

Friday, May 4, 2012

Encourage the Young - Lou Gilbert

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jon McDugle discussed his 10 minutes of fame. He shared his story of what was happening in his life last year during this time. He had his roof blown off and his knee repaired and he's happy to report his roof is back on, knee is doing good and he is doing the "Mini" this weekend.

Jon's guest were Lou and Jana Gilbert. The Gilbert's live in Danville and have two girls. Lou has recently written a book called "Separate Yourself". This book was written about his work experience. He has worked as a technical trainer for Allison's. And has had the opportunity to work with 20 to 30 year olds. The focus of his book is about the "intangibles". Lou defines intangibles as the suttle qualities that are difficult to identify (in people's behavior). Some of the chapters within his book include: Aligning yourself with others, learn from others mistakes, deal with the gray area, keep balanced and be passionate. His book can be purchased thru Amazon for $12.00.

Other Announcements:

Neal Pearcy reminded the club about the social event on Friday, May 4th (4-6pm) at Courthouse Grounds. Bring a recruit with you!

Orientation - Thursday, May 10th. Judge Coleman's chambers. 7 am start time

Golf Outing - May 17th. Looking for more volunteers and sponsorships. Raffle tickets were passed out.

May 12th workday. Starting at 9 am, Senior Center

There were three new members inducted by Rex Dugan. Colleen Mathews, Jeremy VanLue and Mike Putrunich.

John Battershell was also recognized for sponsoring new members and for his contribution to Paul Harris.

Lorraine Smith as also recognized for sponsoring a new member.


There are things that we just don't think of or thing that we think are normal.  Hence, we take for granted.

Yesterday, while in Dubai, Dusti and I went to McDonald's for a drink.  I am happy to report that Diet Coke tastes the same in Dubai as it does at home.Most of you know this is a big deal for me since I don't drink coffee. LOL.However, the real observation was over hearing a conversation that a man, probably in he's late 20s, was having in line with his friends.  He said, "I have never eaten at McDonald's before". 

Next, I once read that Nickolas Tesla said that Thomas Edison's DC current needs so much wire that in some places it actually blocks out the sun.  Electricity here seems to be an after thought.  See picture.

Final observation for the day.  A stranger in Rotary is just a Rotary friend you have not meet yet.  When we got off the plane there was a welcome rotary sign.  Dusti suggested that I get my picture taken with it.  As you can see from the picture, how happy I was to complete a 26 hour flight.  Well, when we took this picture we drew a crowd of 10 men from India.  They were all from the same Rotary club in India.  They took their picture by the banner also.  We ended up talking with them all the way through customs.  Friends I had never met before.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Props to Emirates Airlines

Well there are no props, at least on the plane, but those are some huge planes.  Emirates does a great job making flying a great experience.  Great food, huge seats and entertainment on demand.  A tech junkie like me was happy. 

We made it to Dubai as you were all ending Rotary today.  However it is 9pm local.  While we wait for our next leg we are people watching in the Dubai airport.  Things are a bit different but still the same. 

This is my first time across the Atlantic.  I thought that I would have landed in Europe first before the Middle East.  I must say that it is difficult to think that I just flew over Iran and the Caspian Sea.

Our flight to Bangkok leaves in 2 hours.  More to come from Bangkok.