Thursday, May 3, 2012
Jon McDugle discussed his 10 minutes of fame. He shared his story of what was happening in his life last year during this time. He had his roof blown off and his knee repaired and he's happy to report his roof is back on, knee is doing good and he is doing the "Mini" this weekend.
Jon's guest were Lou and Jana Gilbert. The Gilbert's live in Danville and have two girls. Lou has recently written a book called "Separate Yourself". This book was written about his work experience. He has worked as a technical trainer for Allison's. And has had the opportunity to work with 20 to 30 year olds. The focus of his book is about the "intangibles". Lou defines intangibles as the suttle qualities that are difficult to identify (in people's behavior). Some of the chapters within his book include: Aligning yourself with others, learn from others mistakes, deal with the gray area, keep balanced and be passionate. His book can be purchased thru Amazon for $12.00.
Other Announcements:
Neal Pearcy reminded the club about the social event on Friday, May 4th (4-6pm) at Courthouse Grounds. Bring a recruit with you!
Orientation - Thursday, May 10th. Judge Coleman's chambers. 7 am start time
Golf Outing - May 17th. Looking for more volunteers and sponsorships. Raffle tickets were passed out.
May 12th workday. Starting at 9 am, Senior Center
There were three new members inducted by Rex Dugan. Colleen Mathews, Jeremy VanLue and Mike Putrunich.
John Battershell was also recognized for sponsoring new members and for his contribution to Paul Harris.
Lorraine Smith as also recognized for sponsoring a new member.

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