We welcomed Sheriff Dave Galloway and Officer Love to Rotary this week. Officer Love is a K9 officer and he brought his pawed partner with him. The Sheriffs Department has 4 of these dogs. These animals are highly trained to support the officers and to detect drugs. Sheriff Galloway also reported that crimes against personal property is on the decline, but internet abuse is up. Our Rotary Club donated $500 to help offset the costs of training those dogs.
Correction: We have entered into the last week for our proposed new members. Colleen Matthews, Jermey VanLue and Carrie Ryland. They will become members after our next meeting. They were announced at the Ag day meeting.
Jayson Marksberry again gave us an update on supplies to the tornado victims.
This week is the district conference. Several board members will be attending and I will try to make regular updates as to what fun we will be having during PETS. I know you will be on the edge of your seats.

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