Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rotary Hall of Fame

Purdue Pete made a surprise visit to the Rotary District Conference in French Lick.  I am sure that he was down south welcoming IU an early homecoming.

Late last week, seven Danville Rotarians made the migration to French Lick for the District 6560 Conference.  This was the largest turnout of Danville Rotarians seen at a district conference in a long time.  We were educated on the Rotary Foundation, Polio, Water, and Hunger.  You just don't know that power that having plenty of food and clean water can do for a community.  One lady said, "When the well was built, the children stopped dying."   This is what you are part of when you are part of Rotary.

Rotarian Hall of Fame                          Rotarian Hall of Shame

We were all asked to share our Rotary Moment.  The moment that we changed from a RINO (Rotarian in Name Only) into a true Rotarian.  Each of us have this moment.  I find that I have many of these moments and that they build on each other. You should be proud to be part of such a great organization.   (Editors Note:  During this time with fellow clubs, I notice that I felt a strong sense of pride in the Danville club for all the great things that we do and the great people that make up our club.  I am very proud of each of you and I will be honored to serve you next rotary year.)  Special thanks to the Rotarians that went to the District Conference:  Rex Dugan, Suzanne Whicker, Michael Williams, Greg VanLaere, Tracie Shearer, John Battershell, and Ron Bochstahler.  Very Special Thanks to the Spouses:  Sharon Dugan, Herbie Battershell, Dusti VanLaere, Myra Williams, Dave Whicker and Danny Shearer.

What to learn more about Rotary and how to get more involved?  Go to to find out more.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

K9 and other Acronyms

We welcomed Sheriff Dave Galloway and Officer Love to Rotary this week.  Officer Love is a K9 officer and he brought his pawed partner with him.  The Sheriffs Department has 4 of these dogs.  These animals are highly trained to support the officers and to detect drugs.  Sheriff Galloway also reported that crimes against personal property is on the decline, but internet abuse is up.  Our Rotary Club donated $500 to help offset the costs of training those dogs. 

Correction:  We have entered into the last week for our proposed new members.  Colleen Matthews, Jermey VanLue and Carrie Ryland.   They will become members after our next meeting.  They were announced at the Ag day meeting. 

Jayson Marksberry again gave us an update on supplies to the tornado victims. 

This week is the district conference.  Several board members will be attending and I will try to make regular updates as to what fun we will be having during PETS.   I know you will be on the edge of your seats. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God Bless Henryville Indiana

Jayson Marksberry's trip to Henryville over the weekend to deliver supplies to victims.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rotary Ag Day

Editors Note:  I just wanted to thank each of you for taking the time to read our Rotary Blog.  I hope you enjoy it each week.

Ag Day
Welcome to all Farmers.  We had a good turn out at the Ellis Park Train Station for Ag Day or Farmers Appreciation.  Some of the Farmers were:  David Whicker, Phillys Palmer, Jim Loughmiller, JD Mendenhall, Cathy Stamper, Rex Parsons, and Charles and Theresa Brown.  This is not a full list, just the names I was able to remember.  Sorry to leave anyone out.  We were very happy that these folk took the time to share their time with us.  The Danville Rotary Club would like to formally thank all farmers for the work that they do.

Other guests included:  Interactors:  Gary, Lornezo, Gabe, Elliott and Plainfield Rotarian Mike Miller.

Henry Wallis introduced our speaker, Amber Wolfe from AgrAbility.  Amber is a Project Coordinator for them.  AgrAbility is an organization designed to help farmers with disabilities continue farming.  They specialize in Arthritis help.  They will work to keep farmers farming.  They are receiving funding from the USDA now.  50 million battle Arthritis and mostly women are effected.  Amber suggests getting checked out by your doctor if you have problems with your joints not your vet.

Jayson Marksberry and Mike Miller both talked briefly about the tornadoes and destruction in Southern Indiana.  Jayson got the word out to the club last week that he had alread made a relief run to Henrysville there weekend before.  Jayson let us know what supplies are still needed and that he was collecting those donations with the help of North Salem State Bank.  (As of Monday at 10am, I am still waiting on word from Jayson for an update on how things went over the weekend.)

Your Chance to Help!
Mike Miller spoke about the opportunity for each club to help on a District Level.  Here is a excerpt from the District Website:
Register to Help With Tornado Relief
Description:Our group will be doing tree and debris removal. Please dress appropriately. Leather gloves, boots and rain gear are strongly recommended. We need three additional chain saws and four-wheel drive vehicles are also needed, if possible. The Rotary Club of Danville generously equipped our trailer with one chain saw already.
The Salvation Army is providing our team with overnight accommodations, if needed, at the Country Lake Christian Retreat Center, (approximately 15 miles from Marysville.)
You may work one day or all of them, whatever your schedule or physical limitations permit. Please join us if you can. Our plan is to meet at 8:00am on Thursday, March 15that the Cracker Barrel at the Scottsburg exit (mile marker 29A.) From there, we will drive to Marysville to Fire Station #2 on Nabb Marysville Road (approximately one mile SE of Marysville.) Please check-in there upon your arrival for a work assignment.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Mike or e-mail Mike directly. His contact information is as follows:
Mike Miller CPCT/BAT
Drug and Alcohol Testing LLC
317-664-0188 cell
317-243-5468 office
Location:Our plan is to meet at 8:00am on Thursday, March 15that the Cracker Barrel at the Scottsburg exit (mile marker 29A.) From there, we will drive to Marysville to Fire Station #2 on Nabb Marysville Road (approximately one mile SE of Marysville.) Please check-in there upon your arrival for a work assignment.
Event Date:Thursday March 15, 2012  to  Sunday March 18, 2012
Start Time:8:00 AM

March Madness!!!!
Brackets and more brackets.... Join the CVB in the Pizza Playoffs.  Cast your vote today.  Our club is planning on sampling some pizza from some of these local contenders.  Stay tuned for more information.  But, today you can vote, in Round !,  for your favorite pizza hangout until 8pm.  Starting at 8pm you can vote in Round 2.  Follow the link and cast your vote today!  

Monday, March 5, 2012

Camp Riley... You can do it!

Rotary and The Riley Hospital have had a long standing partnership.  This partnership started in 1931 when Rotary made a donation to help Riley Hospital.

Alana Summers, Indianapolis Rotary Club,  was our guest and brought us up to date on Camp Riley.  Located in Martinsville, Camp Riley works with kids to help them develop goals that will challenge them and support them to learn how to overcome obstacles.  The camp fosters the idea that their disabilities are not a limiting factor for them and for the kids to feel normal.

The Riley Foundation is designed to insure that doctors do not have to cut corners to treat Indiana children.  60% of the children come from homes that are uninsured or under insured.  Children are referred to Riley and most are cancer cases.

Rotary Interactors Justin, Sam and Kaitlyn were our guests last week.  We also have Matt Howrey from NSSB as our guest also.

Pat Cockrum presented our club with a banner from a Rotary club in Brazil.  Him and his wife went to see Fernanada.  They enjoyed their stay and Pat brought back the suggestion that we serve beverages like to do down south.

It was the honor of the Danville Rotary Club to induct 4 of our 5 new members to the club.  Their sponsors were on hand to provide them with their Rotary Pin.  Our new members were:  John McBride, Larraine Smith, Dave Simmon and Fred Cline. Mike Petrunich was not pictured.  Sponsors were:  John Battershell, Jade Gruner and Pat Cockrum.    


Announcements:   Board Meeting March 8th.  Ag Day is March 8th at the Ellis Park Train Station.  Saturday March 12 is work for a senior day.  Dave Coleman will have more information about that.