Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Roving Rotarian

I have been a Rotarian only since June 27th.  I live in Danville, but work at an office in Crawfordsville.  I also travel quite a bit in central Indiana during the day.  That means I have missed my fair share of Rotary meetings.  I have tried to make them up through our 531 club, board meetings, and other opportunities.

With my office in Crawfordsville, and a client on the board of the Crawfordsville Rotary Club, I have attended their meeting a couple times.  At first I thought that would be the extent of my visits to other clubs.

Then I received an invitation to a special meeting of the Attica Williamsport Rotary Club.   It was being held at the Beef House with Gary Varvel speaking.  How could I say no?  I had such a good time meeting even more Rotarians, that I decided this may be my calling in Rotary.

Our youth exchange program says that if every child spent a year abroad, there would be no more wars.  Well, maybe visiting other Rotary Clubs can help us further our understanding of other communities and gain knowledge and understanding that we can share in our own community.

Then today I attended the Downtown Danville Rotary Club.  For clarification, that is one of two Rotary clubs in Danville, ILLINOIS.  I happen to have grown up in Danville, IL but now live in Danville, IN.  I had an appointment in west central Indiana this morning, so it tied in well to visit today.

I plan to continue my efforts to visit a Rotary Club whenever possible during my travels.  I would encourage you to try it as well.  You don't have to visit as often as I do, but expand your horizons once in a while.

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