Three Rotarians walk into a bar... (I know hard to believe). Rotarians Cromer, Catt, VanLaere and former Rotarian Vornholt walk into a bar... After listening for ten minutes on why Doug Catt is a better golfer than Kessinger my mind drifted. I realize that I had not donw the blog for the week.
This last week, Jennifer McPeak was the program chair. Her guest was Josh Laycock from Brownsburg. His family runs a print shop and marketing company. Josh had spent a number of years working for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Josh gave us a history of the Speedway. Laycock said that it was his family tradition to work at the Speedway. He was the third generation to work there. He specialized in marketing the Speedway. It was a great precursor to the greatest race on earth over the long weekend.
Heath Allen is looking for volunteers to work a water station for the park2park relay on June 15th. Please see Heath or email him if you can help out.
The board meeting has been moved to june 13th and will be at the boardroom at NSSB.
As for the three Rotarians that walked into the bar.... Catt is still professing his supremacy over all golfers, Cromer is still telling lame jokes (it's ok... he never reads my blogs anyway) and VanLaere is counting down the days until he is past president.
Alternative ending... Three Rotarians walk into a bar... VanLaere and Cromer duck and Catt takes one on the chin. Out.