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Danville Rotary Club Rose Sale.
Administrative Assistants Day is around the corner. It is time to promote and sell roses for our Scholarships. These orders can be placed online from our club website. You can copy and paste this link on your Facebook page, Twitter or your favorite social media outlet. Paper forms are also available upon request. Our club has also created the ability to pay for those roses through Paypal. We already have several dozen orders. Take action and get yours ordered today.
Membership Committee
The Danville Rotary Club has great members. Some of those members gather together to work on membership. The afternoon following our last meeting, the Membership Committee got together. They are putting together programs that will help and excite our club. Make sure that you are doing your part to help. Charles, Charlie and Mark also attended the Brownsburg Club meeting on Thursday. It is always great to have a good showing of Rotarians visiting other clubs. If you ever want to attend another club meeting, just ask and someone will attend with you.
Golf Outing
Mark Morgan is a man on a mission. On a mission for Steak. Mark has a Steak in the Harold Martin Open. Mark has been spotted roaming around Danville and Avon getting hole sponsors and players to play in our outing. Way to go Mark (Thankfully we are on the same team... Go Mark)! As I was updating our website to accept orders for Roses, I got the links working for golf sponsorships. These can now be completed from our club website. This warm weather makes everyone want to play golf, even Doug Catt.
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