Housing the Good and the Bad under the same roof. For years, our County Sheriff's family lived in the same building as the local jail. Today, over 1500 visitors per year walk the same halls as generations of past criminals and law enforcement. The building today is the site of the
Hendricks County Museum. Harold Hiser was the program chair that brought in Sally Lawson and Deanna Hindsley to talk to us about the museum. Sally and Deanna brought visual aids that dated back a hundred plus years. She read a small excerpt from a dairy from one of the sheriff's wrote just as the news of the death of Abraham Lincoln made its way to Danville. The Museum has undergone renovation of the years and runs on volunteers and donations from the community for support.
On April 11th, the Museum will hold its annual Gala for supporting the museum.

This past weekend, Ron and Greg attended PETS II. Ron has stepped up to fill the roll of President Elect. He has worked very hard to get up to speed for the coming year. Ron rode up to Carmel with me and we had two hours to talk about Rotary and ideas for the club.
Also this last weekend, Neal and Bobbie Pearcy drove two eager students to Camp Techemsa for RYLA.
Tonya Hassler and Melissa Salerno, both Sophomores at Danville High School were our Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) scholarship recipients for 2013.
Melissa and Tonya attended the Camp Tecumseh YMCA leadership conference March 15 / 17th. The closing luncheon brought many group hugs as they said goodbye to new-found friends and a "never to be forgotten" lifetime experience. Thanks again to Neal and Bobbie.
Rose sale order forms are available now. See Steph for details on ordering.
Today the Avon, Danville and Plainfield Rotary clubs made a donation to Susie's Place. Greg, Greg Zusan and Max Hank made the presentation of the check before the media and visitors. Emily quipped that the funds would go towards snacks for the kids and officers.
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