Speech Contest
What can you learn from a high school student who is giving a speech about Rotary? Everything you ever wanted to know about Rotary. SHE did a great job on her speech about peace and the object of Rotary. As our solo speaker she will move on to the District 6560 speech contest in a couple of weeks. As the speaker she also collected a $100.00 check from the club. We are very happy that SHE will be representing our club at the district level. Below, Danville Rotarians are spellbound by our speaker.
Jerry Weed has been our program chair the the speech contest for a number of years. Jerry lines up the participants and helps them down the path to complete the project. This week, Jerry had the instructor from the high school say a few words about the District 6560 Speech contest that she took part in last year as well as David Vornholt. David won the speech contest last year and went to the district contest.
This weekend, Neal, Charles, and I attended RLY One and Two. Rotary Leadership Institute takes an in depth look into the workings of Rotary and the development of Leadership skills. This program is open to all Rotarians. It is a great experience and everyone should take time in their rotary life to do.
Peace Project

Danville Rotarians that purchase a ticket to the event will receive a meal credit on their bill. If you will be unable to attend and would like to donate your meal credit to the Event, please contact Henry or Ron B.
It is important for Tracie to have a head count for the event. If you have not done so, please e-mail her with how many people you will be bringing. There will be other communication that will go out through DacDB.
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