Rex and Steve hard at work |
1. Florida in January is the bomb.
2. Steve can swim with a cell phone in his pocket.
3. Steve can not take a picture to save his life.
4. Pat can fish from anywhere.
5. and going to a Naples Bay Rotary Club meeting helps one realize just how young our club really is.
There was some work, some play and some really good Rotary friends in Naples. It is always a good time. If you can help out in the future, you will want to make it a priority.
Tracie told us about the challenges that the Royal Theater are facing right now with the conversion of the theater to digital. The Royal is more than just movies. The Royal has been a venue for fundraisers, live music, plays, comedy nights, and birthday parties. The Royal has a mission to make it a quality experience for everyone. You can help support the theater from their website or their facebook page. Tracie asked for each of us to share the Royal's status to help in raising the money needed for the conversion.
There is a comedy event that will be used to raise funds for the Royal. It will be Jan. 23 and 24 at 7:30pm. Check out the website for more information.
Farmers day will be on Jan. 31st. Invitations will be mailed to farmers, but if you know a farmer.... Invite them. We will be at the Train Station in Ellis Park that day.
Ron will be retiring from Hendricks Power. There is a reception for him at the Prestwick Country Club on January 30th. The open house is from 3:30 to 6:30pm. Ron would be delighted to have you stop by and help him celebrate.
Registration is now open for the next RLI session on Saturday, Feb. 16th, 2013. You have completed RLI Part I or Part II already; now is the time to call on your club to sponsor your next session. The fee has now been reduced to $70, and everyone and every club should be able to afford it, especially when you consider being provided with new material, getting healthy breakfast and lunch, meeting new Rotarians from throughout the district, getting new fresh ideas, and improving your leadership skills while increasing your knowledge of Rotary. It’s a bargain you cannot find anywhere else. Please encourage your fellow club Rotarians to register if they have not yet done so.
Fee Reduced to $70 if you pre-register; On-line personal and club payment available
Who: All Rotarians
What: RLI Parts I, II, and III
When: Saturday, February 16, 2013, from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Where: First Baptist Church, 1010 East 126th Street, Carmel, IN 46033
To register: 1) Go to ; 2) Click on RLI Events tab; 3)Look for D6560 Seminars; Click on 3 Events being offered; 4) Click onparticular seminar you wish to register for; 5) Fill out the Registration Form, and select method of payment. Clubs may register several of their members at the same time. The Pre-Registration Fee is $70 per session. On-Line payment is available for individuals or clubssponsoring several candidates, by credit card or check made out to HOA-RLI. Mail Pre-Registration checks to Salim Najjar, 3382 Eden Park Place, Carmel, IN 46033 by February 9, 2013. After registering you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. You may also access the Registration site through our district website or DacDb; Calendar Tab/ Feb. 16, 2013. Walk-ins may pay $85 by check or cash on the day of the session at the Check-in Registration Desk if space is available.
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