Attention: Our regular meeting will be held at North Salem State Bank's Community Room at their Old Farm location. Please remind every Rotarian that you see.

First and foremost, I want to thank each of you for a great turn out for the Year End Celebration. The evening was full of celebration. We celebrated a successful Rotary year lead by Rex Dugan. We were happy to have some of our scholarship winners and their families attending this wonderful night with us. The club made a presentation of $500 to Shared Blessings for cooking our pork steaks for us. They also walked away with lots of goodies that we Rotarians donated to the food pantry. We presented a check for $7996.06 to Sycamore Services from our annual Harold Martin Open Golf Outing. Rex presented the Lois J Arnold Award to Judge David Coleman and the Presidents Award to Brad Borne for all the work that he has done feeding a hungry crew each week. Amy and Greg, recognized the Paul Harris Fellows that were in attendance and those that have had perfect attendance. Greg wanted to make sure that the past leaders of our club were recognized for their had work at laying the foundation that we call the Danville Rotary Club today. Greg outlined his resolutions for 2012-2013. The highlights are: Increase Membership by 4 Net new members, have more than 5 Club Members attend the District Conference in October, make sure that all committees meet at least once per trimester and become a partner with the other 3 clubs in the county
Note: During our research on Past Presidents, I inadvertently left out Robert "Bob" Pearcy by mistake. He was club President from 1963 to 1964. Bob we are so proud of you, please accept our apologies for this error. I am honored to carry on with this newsletter that Bob started may years ago.
We were honored to have District Governor Nancy Madru attend along with Assistant Governor Les Pence and Leota Rutledge. The Danville Rotary Club achieved $100 per ca pita giving to the Rotary Foundation for 2011-2012.

This week we will be having the first Board Meeting for the new year. Each of you are encouraged to attend. If you would like to know more about what is going on, I would encourage you to attend. If you need a make-up, I would encourage you to attend. The meeting will be held at Courthouse Grounds on Thursday at 7:30am.
This week we will have a sign-up sheet going around for this coming years program chairs. Please sign up for your week of "Fame". One of the Avenues of Service in Rotary is Vocation. Each of you are encourage to share information about your vocation and how you can help the club and community during your 10 minutes of fame.
Vocational Service involves club members serving others through their professions and aspiring to high ethical standards. Rotarians, as business leaders, share skills and expertise through their vocations, and they inspire others in the process.
Special thanks to Suzanne, Flory, Ron and Rex for putting on a great New Years Party!
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