Lyn Larison provided us with a quality run down of his 10 minutes of fame. Lyn, introduced Danny O'Malia. Danny's family not only started the O'Malia's grocery store chain, but also was a prime example of providing quality customer service. Customer service was the hallmark of his father. These values were instilled in Danny from a young age. Today, Danny is
Indy's Trusted Servant. You can follow his
blog here. From Danny's blog, you can download the 11 ways to handle customer complaints.

This Thursday there will be alot of activity going on. There is a board meeting in the morning at CHG at 7:30am. We are also asking that all Rotarians be at Mayberry no later than 11:45 for lunch. Please get your lunch right away, because we will be starting the Speech Contest promptly at Noon. As soon as the speech contest is complete, we will be dispersing to the schools for Apple for Teacher. Thanks again for your help with this schedule change.
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