Kevin and I recently had lunch at Los Patios. He had a burrito, I had a Speedy Gonzalez (the Mexican restaurant lunch staple).
Kevin Hill grew up in Danville. Royal Donut, Schroeder's (formerly Burger Chef), and a love of everything Dick Van Dyke are part of his heritage.... wait, that's not Danville! Why actually it is. Kevin is from Danville, Illinois. He's traded in his past Danville for the Royal Theater, Burger King (where nobody eats), and a love of everything Andy Griffith.
Kevin has been a huge part of Rotary's growth in the past year as the Membership Director. I looked this up (no I didn't) and we've added a staggering 40 members (give or take a few dozen) in the past 6 months. DO NOT FACT CHECK THAT STATISTIC. As if that's not impressive enough of a Rotary resume he's also the Assistant to the Vice President Elect. I believe that means if the President & Vice President & Speaker of the House & President pro tempore of the Senate & Secretary of State are all incapacitated, he becomes President. Wow is right.
His most prized accomplishment since joing Rotary however is his Danville Rotary Fantasy Football trophy he won last season. Ever since he won he's been wearing a crown on his head, which I found odd. When I asked if winning has changed him he took a big sip out of the golden chalice he now carries around and drinks from exclusively and declared "Nay, winning the figure league hath not chang'd me any. i am the same sirrah from anoth'r danville that i always was. i still associate with the less'r people from timeth to timeth." I believe the crown came from Burger King.