Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Call Off The Dogs!!!

The amount of subtle trash talk that I have been subjected to these first two weeks is appalling. It's hard to believe that Denise Hole(y)-Moley would make outlandish statements rubbing in her victory over me such as "Did I win?", and "Can you show me how to set a lineup?" This is a wolf in hole's clothing with her snarky digs. I know she practically invented the game of fantasy football. I know for a fact (no I don't) that she sold Jim Sorgi's house and he gave her inside information on who to draft (no he didn't). 

I figured in week two that I would get the respect I deserve as Crommissioner from a judge. Boy was I wrong. (The Honorable) Stephenie Lemay-RUDEken sent some extremely insensitive remarks my way earlier today. The text of which was something about a District Governor, new members, and a bake sale. Seems harmless until you read between the lines and realize she's really saying "Not only can you not govern your team, you need new players, and your team is toast!"

It's time to not only right the ship but take a stand against the barrage of barbs being sent my way. To help call off the dogs I will be changing my name from The Four Way Best to Doug Catt's Dog Cattchers. 

For those in the league wanting an update on their team... I have no idea how your team is doing. 

-Your Crommissioner