We will start with this weeks club assembly, where each committee chair will be bringing their committee together to discuss ideas, goals and strategy for this Rotary year. If you have not selected the committee you would like to serve on this year, this is the perfect time to do so. If you are unable to attend this weeks meeting please contact the committee chair for the committee you would like to participate in so they can get you up to date with what they have going on. As a reminder, this years committee chairs are listed below:
Membership committee - Neal Pearcy
Sgt-at-Arms (administration committee) - Don Dodson
Public Relations committee - Seth Cromer
Rotary Foundation & DRCF committee - Greg VanLaere
Social committee - Jenny Pearcy
Fundraising committee - Heath Allen
Vocational committee - Michael Petrunich
Community Services committee - Flora Phillips
New Generation committee (formerly Interact) - Sue Rempert
International committee - Eric Oliver
Scholarship committee - Bill Barfield
Finally, many thanks go out to Rotarian Greg VanLaere for leading our club this past year. He has brought us to the forefront of technology by teaching us how to communicate more effectively each week and by getting our club involved in the District with his volunteer work at that level throughout the year. Now it appears he has taken a page out of the Dugan book and left to go sailing this week so he can relax before he has to fly all the way to Hawaii on Saturday for a vacation.
Enjoy Greg, you deserve it.
Upcoming meetings:
July 18 - Program is Seth Cromer; Greeter is Jenny Pearcy
July 25 - Program is Don Dodson; Greeter is Jeremy VanLue
August 1 - Program is Chelsea Singleton; Greeter is Kevin Hill
I leave you with our very own Kevin Speer learning about Rotary in Ireland. Thanks for sharing the picture Marcia.