A big Rotary welcome to our visitors this week. Mark Phillips, Chelsie and Sofie. This coming week, we will have Craig Sherman, our District Governor, and Wilma Shackelton, our Assistant Governor, attend our regular meeting on Thursday. We welcome them to our club as well.

John Battershell was the program chair this week. John asked one of our newer member to speak in detail about her business. Carrie Ryland the owner and operator of Better Beginnings Child Care. Carrie spent time work for Galyon's before the buyout. Following the buyout, she spent some time working for fellow Rotarian Doug Catt. Carrie said that since Doug spent days on end crying like a baby over missed putts and in general acting childish, she should start a daycare and Doug could be her first assignment. (Love you Doug.... Just kidding). Carrie has had a passion for helping children and their parents giving them a "Better Begining." Carrie has been working with John to renovate buildings for her child care business. Opening in Oct. 2012 will be Carrie's largest adventure. Her building will open and end the end be able to accommodate 144 kids. Better Beginnings is focused on child health and early childhood development. Some of our best programs have been giving by Rotarians, and Carrie, lived up to this same hype. Good Job.
The sign up sheet went around this week for the bake sale. There were a number of people who signed up to bring a side to share during the dinner. If you have not signed up, you will have a chance to Thursday. We are expecting a good turnout and plenty of sweet stuff to bid on. The bake sale is on the 27th at Suzanne's house.
Here is a little treat for those of you that have been so good as to read the blog all the way to this point. I got an e-mail from Rex and Sharon Dugan that said the Jerry Weed had made it big time. Not only is is known around the world for the work that he does in fabrics, but he also has a famous Sweet tea named after him as well. Just might have to get me a glass.