This weeks program host is Ron Monts. Please make an effort to ask someone that you think will make a good Rotarian to join us this week.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Membership Minute
This weeks program host is Ron Monts. Please make an effort to ask someone that you think will make a good Rotarian to join us this week.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I am all EARS
Saturday night, Rotarians fulled the streets of Downtown Danville to enjoy the sound of Hoosier Beetles. Headliners Timm Grimm and Jenny DeVoe rocked the show. Frozen bananas were wonderful treats for the show goers. Rotary is always well represented at these events.
You can go online to register for the fall District Conference in West Lafayette. Go to
Aug. 23rd, Gary Frey, District Membership Chair, will be our guest speaker. Gary will give us update about the District and what other clubs are doing to attract quality Rotarians.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Trip to Brazil
Amy Elliott introduced Clayton Sagar. Clayton was an exchange student that went to Brazil to study for a year. Clayton mentioned that one of the biggest challenges was that upon arrival in Brazil, that his host family did not speak English and he did not speak any Portuguese. We were all impressed when Clayton said he was speaking in Portuguese in just a few short months. Clayton feels that the experience has helped him be a better leader and feel that he can accomplish much more having had this experience. He will be headded back to classes here in Danville today.
Seth is looking for participates for Fantasy Football. Let us know if you are in. This is a good time.
You can now sign up for the fall District Conference at Purdue. Visit for details.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The Natives are Restless...
Doug Catt and Terry Kessinger asked Karen Houk to come and speak to the club about Sycamore Services and Tiki Time their signature event that will take place next week. You can still register on line HERE.
The district has opened up the porthole to register for the district conference at Purdue. You can register here. There is a special price by registering before Aug. 26th.
Just a reminder that the board has approved our permanent change to North Salem State Bank. See you all on Thursday.